Leadership can be a culture

What do I have that makes this work? I think many successful leaders ask themselves a similar question. Why can I do this when others fail? What makes people follow me, I don’t think I’m doing anything special?
Leadership is something that has always interested me because I’m constantly plagued with the question, “what do I have that makes me special? That makes me a leader among peers?” I have watched intelligent, determined, and likable people fail in leadership roles while I succeed. It is with these questions in mind that I jump into Never Been Trained. I believe in a culture of developing employees and encouraging people to work at their fullest potential. Not everyone is going to be a traditional leader, but I think each person can benefit from the confidence that comes with leadership training.

77% of organizations say they’re experiencing a leadership gap. 83% of them say that it’s important to develop leaders at all levels but only 5% of organizations have implemented this multi level leadership development. My compatriot Chris Mowers and I aim to boost manager and employee leadership skill within the retail and food industry. In short, we want to fill the void. We are here to encourage new and upcoming leaders within the fast-paced world of “regular” jobs. Together our goal is to eradicate this “I’ve never been trained” mentality, giving control over independent and critical thinking back into the hands of managers and employees alike.

We know there are leadership and manager materials that exist in the world. However, we are directly speaking to the people in our field, not the typical corporate entity in an office with lots of theories and ideas. Coming from an operation focused background, we both absolutely understand your struggles and have experienced them firsthand. Where is the entry point for the everyday retail manager in this confusing world of leadership and management training? Right here. With us, at Never Been Trained. Welcome, glad you’re here.

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